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Tuesday 5 August 2014

The Art of Doing Nothing: 5 Lessons for Living a Truly Happy Life

Most of us are guilty of trying to fill up any free spot we may have in our calendars. We have been taught that the busier we are, the harder we work, and the less we sleep, the more successful we become. This belief encourages us to run like a hamster in its wheel, overbooking our calendars with things that will help us to live better lives. At the end of this madness, we end up having no time to live! We need to make a global paradigm shift and master the art of doing nothing. After all, we are responsible not only for us, but for future generations as well.

The art of doing nothing is grounded in five lessons that need to be learned in order to start living a truly happy life:

Lesson 1. Stop the “sorry vicious circle“. You are enough. The feeling of overwhelm emerges when we want to prove something to someone. Maybe we want to prove that we deserve our good life. Perhaps we feel sorry if we have that afternoon nap or if we have too much free time. And from this state of guilt, suffering starts to be our new normal. Subconsciously we choose the lifestyle that does not serve us and makes us the victim. Why? Because we want other people to feel sorry for us. And voila – the “sorry vicious circle” is born. Break it. And start living a sorry-free life.

Lesson 2. Let go of an old belief system. Everything we believe is in our heads. If you want to change a pattern in your life, start by thinking the right thoughts. Ask yourself why your calendar is fully booked. Is it because you have a belief that the more you work, the more you deserve a better life? Or that if you are done with one task, you should start with another task to be more efficient? Or maybe you think that the more you get done now, the less you will have to do in the future? If you answer "yes" to those questions, it’s time to start thinking in a new way. Simply repeat the following mantra 10 times after you wake up in the morning: "When I do nothing, I create a better world“. It will reprogram your mind for good.

Lesson 3. Give yourself permission. Nobody is responsible for your life except for you. There is a little child inside of you that waits for your love. By allowing yourself to live fully, happily and free from the stereotypes of modern society, you nurture and take great care of that little child. But only you can give yourself permission to live this life with ease. Take it easy; life doesn't have to be that hard.

Lesson 4. To really have free time in your schedule, you have to create it. We are used to scheduling everything we have to do, but we have not learned to schedule our free time, because it’s free, right? We are used to doing it vice versa. We plan all that needs to be done, and only if there is a free spot somewhere, we might schedule some time for ourselves or even leave it blank. Do not plan your day, plan your perfect life. When you start treating every single day as your unique life experience, you start to live for real. The secret is to plan your free time first and then schedule in all the rest.

Lesson 5. Do nothing. Really. Start taking the action of no action. It takes time to adjust to doing nothing, but it feels so good. Keep in mind that by taking care of yourself, you can take better care of others. Your body needs an energy refill. Spending time doing nothing works magic. Having an abundance of free time can become your new normal. It’s joyful, it’s healthy, it’s ok to be free and do nothing. Work will always be there for everyone. It’s your choice how you will manage your life. And if someone dares to say that you are lazy, smile and feel compassion for those who cannot yet live this freely.

To sum it up, life is too short to never start living. Master the art of doing nothing to be able to achieve anything in this world.

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