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Sunday 28 September 2014

Sir Namo - You made us proud today in Madison Square

It was just few minutes back I watched Mr. Modi addressing a huge crowd in Madison Square in US (on my television).

I could not resist myself from writing these few things from his speech.

Modiji, Today my respect for you has increased even ton ton times. May GOD give you a long life and all the best of ideas to bring the India to new levels.

I would say, till now you used to rock the people of India, but today you made a big impression on this world.

I loved few of these amazing replies to the world and Indians from Modiji's speech today

1. Few years back world used to think India as "Snake charmers". Modiji gave a beautiful reply to this "We have devalued our country. We were playing with snake before and now we are playing with mouse (computer mouse)".

2. Second thing that was very inspiring for us "America is the oldest democracy of world, India is the biggest democracy of India. People of entire world comes to America, whereas people from India goes to all across world."

3. Modiji has very beautiful way of involving people in Indian economy. "Poorest to poorest people in last 3-4 months has opened account with bank and added 1500 crore rupees to Indian economy." Wow sir, what a simple and perfect way to get poorest to poorest people contribute to development of India.

4. A great thing which might have been realized by very few. Modiji mentioned "By 2020, the entire world would become old (old age people). Every country would be facing a problem of man-power (no young generation to work for) and at that time India would be exporting man-power all across the world." A very simple analysis, but it definately means BIG.

5. Modiji mentioned above his website http://www.mygov.in , an initiative first of its kind to involve common people in making decisions and giving suggestions for the country.

6. Another statement that i liked the most was "People say me(Modi) why do i put my hands in complex task like cleaning of river Ganga, and I(Modi) say them, if simple tasks had to be done, why would people of India choose me as PM". What a confidence Modiji.

7. Modiji gave a mission of giving each and every people of India their own house by 2022.

8. Lastly, Modiji hit a sixer in last 10 minutes of his speech. In the name of Gandhiji, Modiji invited/offered all Indian situated in America to come back india in Jan 2015. If this happens, a solid hit to American economy. Salute to you Mr. Modiji.

Hats Off Modiji, Aap jiyo hazaroooo saal.